Beyond the Books at AU: Quadruple Major Gains Design and 市场营销 Skills Through Levitt Internship

非盟战略传播 & 营销| 2022年7月6日

12bet中文官方平台23岁的学生奥利维亚·伯蒂诺是一名新闻工作者, 西班牙语, 奥马哈的工商管理和市场营销专业, 内布拉斯加州. 她今年夏天在……实习 莱维特在瀑布 — part of a national network of outdoor Levitt music venues dedicated to strengthening the social fabric of communities through free summer concerts. Bertino was given the opportunity to design Levitt’s print materials ahead of the concert series, 现在是一个活动促进者.


A:我是……的主编 《12bet游戏平台》, a tutor in the Writing Center and work for Megan Raposa ‘15 for her weekly newsletter, 简化版苏福尔斯. 


A: My list of majors usually say this on its own, but I have quite a few career goals. 我想最终经营一份出版物, whatever that will look like when I arrive at that point in my life. I also hope to get my master’s degree in communications to mesh my journalism and marketing skills, 并有可能继续学习,以便在大学任教. 更直接的, 虽然, I love both my work in marketing for a nonprofit and writing for a newsletter, so I’m hoping I can spend some time in the “adult world” doing both before I dive into one set career choice.


A: I was searching through potential choices on a college finder database based on the best journalism programs at small private schools. I was playing softball in Sioux Falls one summer and figured I might as well take a look at campus. 


A: What made Augustana stick was my first visit on campus during my sophomore year of high school. 我有幸见到了Dr. 杰弗里•米勒, 新闻学教授, and he immediately took a personal interest in my academic and vocational goals. 我知道他是为我着想的, and I trusted him to teach and prepare me for a career in journalism. I also just loved the feel of the campus, and the city of Sioux Falls was this hidden Midwestern gem. 奥古斯塔是我参观的第一所学校, 我知道这是我唯一的选择, 也是我唯一申请的学校.


A: This spring, I was responsible for all of the print marketing materials for the Levitt. I put together our season brochure, a 48-p年龄 full-color document. 我还制作了我们的“机架卡”,” which is a half-p年龄 size paper with the concert schedule and other information. 这些都是给所有赞助商的, 捐助者, 董事会成员, 也会在每场演唱会上分发. 我还设计了很多其他的东西——巨大的横幅, 手的粉丝, 磁铁, 海报, 社交媒体帖子等等. 现在音乐会已经开始了, 我主要是帮忙布置和拆除, 其中包括很多“zhooshing”,我们的团队这样称呼这种设计. 我是每场演唱会的摄影师, 我管理我们的社交媒体, help collect surveys on the lawn and act as another friendly face for our patrons.
问:你是怎么得到实习机会的? 有人帮你吗?? 这段旅程是怎样的?

A: I was looking online for marketing internships to satisfy my credit, 我记得新闻系主任. Janet Blank-Libra had started her regular mass disbursement of internship opportunities, 所以我挑选了一些. After reading through the desired responsibilities and hours, it seemed like the perfect fit. All the skills they lacked or needed more of were the ones I was most practiced in, 比如Adobe系统和数码单反相机. 我提交了我的简历和求职信, 几天后,我们安排了一次面试, 再过几天, 我被录用了. 从发现到我的第一天只有大约两周的时间. The Levitt was excited to start and I was excited to meet everyone and get rolling. 


A:莱维特团队是一个小而强大的家庭. 每个人都是如此的善良,充满爱心和支持. 我总是为我所做的一切感到感激和尊重. Our executive director, Nancy Halverson, is the best example I could ask for. 她总是泰然自若、积极、坚强,是天生的领导者. 我很幸运每天都能和他们在一起. My supervisor Rose Ann Hofland is the most understanding boss I think I’ve ever met. She trusts me with big projects and then supports me where I need the help. Jacob Miller ‘14 is our new director of operations, and he is so caring and considerate. He’s the one that makes sure I’ve eaten or put on sunscreen or taken care of myself before I devote time to my job. And, Laura Mullen, our volunteer coordinator, is fiercely happy and loving. She brings us treats all the time, but she looks out for us all and is protective of the whole team. I’m just lucky to be around such wonderful people who love and support me every day. 


A: I wanted an internship where I could gain some clips for my resume, 我也确实得到了. I’ve made so many materials to showcase my abilities for future jobs. 我也很兴奋能结交新的朋友. Because the Levitt is run off of donations and sponsorships from the community, 我在苏福尔斯社区见过很多名人. There are a lot of familiar faces in the business world for me now, and those are so valuable for anyone looking to enter the working world. 

Q: Why is experiential learning so important to you in your future endeavors?

A:虽然我在12bet游戏平台的课程很有活力, it’s very different to take a test and answer essay questions about different topics than it is to actually apply those and create something meaningful for a company. My internship is a great link between the knowledge I gained at Augustana and the hands-on work I’ll be doing every day once I graduate. 


A: Sioux Falls might be the largest city in South Dakota, but it is a small world out there. 通过我的各种实习, I’ve made connections between some of the larger businesses and organizations in the city, 包括Sanford和Avera 健康, 劳埃德公司, 多家律师事务所, other marketing and printing firms and so many other stellar members of the Sioux Falls community.

了解2,000+ jobs and internships posted annually by the Augustana University 学生成功中心 at 奥吉的机会.
